Thursday, October 29, 2020

Why I Support Trump in Election 2020


In less than a week, we will choose a president (although the process has already commenced).   We will choose between a sometimes blunt speaking, sometimes unpresidential showman that engages in puffery and an dementia ridden, addled old man that could hardly campaign in the final weeks and about whom Barack Obama was caught saying, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.”

Despite my reservations early on about Donald Trump, the choice is clear.  

I endorse Donald Trump, and I do so for three important reasons:

Challenges conventional wisdom.

Trump’s willingness to question conventional Republican positions was apparent to me from the beginning.   I listened carefully to the debates in the 2016 Republican primary.  He was the ONLY contender that did not invoke the name of Ronald Reagan.  While Reagan was a great president and an important figure for his time, his time has passed and the fruitless search by the Republicans for the next Ronald Reagan has not gotten traction in 25 years.   Trump never mentioned Reagan.

Likewise, Trump challenged conventional wisdom on a variety of fronts--- free trade, open borders, our relationship with our European allies in NATO.   He caused many of us to rethink accepted conservative doctrine.  Yes, sometimes Trump was overbroad. He picked unnecessary fights over European wine.  He made a big deal out of renegotiating NAFTA, which amounted to minor tweaks.  But with China, he correctly saw China as a geopolitical threat and no as a fair trader, but as a trade predator, currency manipulator and intellectual property thief.  Likewise, we had a border that was essentially not being enforced.  While the conventional wisdom said that immigration is good for the country, Donald Trump recognized that this principle is not unqualified.  While there are certainly people that come across the border that contribute to our society, there are also gang members (MS13), human traffickers, terrorists and people that are coming just for the social welfare benefits.   As I mentioned in earlier posts, an immigrant can land in three potential buckets: 1) working and self supporting, 2) social welfare system, and 3) the criminal justice system.   We should only be taking the people that have skills to work and become self sufficient.    Trump has pushed back against “sanctuary cities,” a modern form of Nullification.  The Left couches his position in terms of being anti-immigration, but he is actually a proponent of the nation-state, which cannot exist in the absence of an enforceable border. Trump’s willingness to question conventional wisdom is the #1 reason I support his re-election.


For all the howling in the MSM and claims that  Trump is a fascist, in reality Trump is a federalist and respects the federal system, especially when it counts.   The only specific action that he took without legislative action that curtailed any rights was his rather minor executive order regarding “bump stocks.” Otherwise, while he offered federal assistance, he has left action to the states when it came to dealing with COVID19 and the rioting that has taken place.  While certain states stubbornly cling to lockdowns as a solution to COVID19 (which even the W.H.O. recommends against) Trump has taken no action to coerce them into his position.   Indeed, by chipping away at the regulatory state,  bit by bit, Trump is giving away executive power.

Meanwhile, his opponent is still talking about a national mandate to wear masks, the New Green Deal, and ripping away local zoning from local municipalities and nationalizing them  Even more destructive are the calls among Democrats to do away with the Electoral College.   Re-electing Trump would help ensure that our Republic, as a republic, continues  for at least a few more years.

Foreign policy

It is in foreign policy that Trump has demonstrated surprising acumen, especially as he brings his ability and willingness to challenge conventional wisdom and the foreign policy establishment.   Despite the cries of the MSM that Trump is impulsive and would plunge us into war (they made the same claims of Ronald Reagan in 1980), Trump has withdrawn U.S. military involvement, especially in the Middle East. 

The wailing and hand wringing of people like Richard Haass and Jim Mattis, peace broke out all over.  Trump brokered a historic peace deal between Kosovo and Serbia.  Led by the UAE, several Arab countries have recognized Israel (much to the chagrin of the Palestinians),  and Saudi Arabia could be next.

Trump has put pressure where pressure is needed.   He responded immediately to the use of chemical weapons by Assad and was unafraid to take out Iran’s Soleiamani, who was responsible for killing U.S. soldiers and wreaking havoc across the Middle East, again despite the howls of the MSM and foreign policy establishment.  His best speeches were, in fact, foreign policy speeches on foreign soil.  His speech in Poland was magnificent and his speech in Saudi Arabia where he laid out a vision for a peaceful revitalized Middle East rivaled Reagan’s “Tear Down This Wall” speech at the Brandenburg Gate. 

But it is with China that Trump has demonstrated a sober and realistic view and toward which a major realignment needs to take place.  He understood that China has no intentions ever of being a fair trader.  China, over the years, gutted our manufacturing base, stole our intellectual property, challenged us militarily and infused our universities with espionage agents (See Charles Lieber at Harvard).  Trump wisely jettisoned the Paris Accord and kicked the TPP to the side, both of which would have advantaged China at our expense.  Our vulnerability was highlighted when we woke up to find that 80% of our pharmaceuticals were manufactured in China, and that regime would have no inhibitions about using that as leverage against us.  The coverup of the Wuhan Virus and takeover of Hong Kong demonstrated that a normal bilateral trading relationship with China is not possible.  Andrew Roberts, author of the recent biography of Winston Churchill likened Trump to Churchill in his ability to correctly spot a threat before the establishment politicians could.  The ability to constructively confront China (which Biden cannot do) is a critical attribute in this election cycle.

Finally, and most importantly, Trump loves America (unlike much of the voting base of his opponent).  His America First posture has been roundly derided by the establishment.  Trump has resisted ceding sovereignty to amorphous and unaccountable bodies.  Every CEO puts his or her company first.  Xi puts China first.  Putin puts Russia first.  Even Macron puts France first.   We should be entitled to a leader that puts America first.

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