Saturday, October 31, 2020

Say No to Joe


I wrote to a friend of mine months ago that Joe Biden doesn’t exist.  Sure, his body is there, but the Joe Biden we knew is long gone.  If you doubt me, simply go to YouTube and see his debate with Paul Ryan of eight years ago and the contrast will stun you.  Biden hardly campaigned in the last few weeks before the election and when he did, he often spoke incoherently.  His gibberish frequently went viral on social media.

What this means is that you don’t really know who you are voting for.  Is it Kamala?  Is it Obama behind the scenes angling for a third term?  Is it some amorphous group led by The Squad?  The truth is that you don’t know.  Political parties have a duty to be up front with who their candidate really is.  And the reality is that whatever is behind the more moderately sounding Biden is likely a lot more radical, and indeed, AOC is already boasting about pulling Biden to the left.

What should worry you most is the commitment of the Democrats to  completely destroy what is left of the structures that hold America together.  They have announced their goals.  Do away with the Electoral College.  Pack the Supreme Court.  Get rid of the filibuster (even though getting rid of the filibuster for judicial nominations cost them a seat at the table to replace Ginsburg).     Grant statehood to  D.C. and Puerto Rico.  Give 16 year olds the vote.  Flood the country with illegals. 

The new radical Democrats have a tactical advantage.  Conservatives and libertarians are committed to a two party system, even when the liberals stretch the boundaries a bit.   A robust two party system ensures that neither side can go off the deep end.  The new radical Democrats are committed to a one party system.   They admire the CCP.  Thomas Friedman, one of their standard bearers said so explicitly.  The Chinese are able to solve BIG problems, he claimed, because they don’t have to worry about the pesky opposition or  the annoying electorate.  Worse, they have gotten comfortable with political violence.  They refused to condemn the rioting, and Kamala seemed to encourage it.  As recently as last week, Pennsylvania Tom Wolf continued to assert that the looting and rioting in Philly were “peaceful protests” while social media showed the reality of looting, burning cars, and police officers under attack. A victory by Joe Biden, especially if the Senate changed hands would mean that the entire country would be following the California and Illinois model of a one-party system.

Finally, there is the rank corruption.  Despite the media’s attempt to censor Hunter Biden’s dealings with the Chinese and the Ukrainians, the evidence is abundantly clear that the corruption was deep and widespread and that Joe knew about it and likely benefitted from it.   Hillary got away with influence pedaling, washing money through the Clinton Foundation.  Biden should not be able to hold the highest office in the country when his dealings compromise him with our greatest geopolitical adversary.

And if Biden gets elected, all the investigations into the fraudulent Russian conspiracy would die.  These are not yet completed and the American public needs to know the depth of the corruption at the FBI.

I believe that a Biden victory would ensure that the most radical elements of the Democratic party would seize power.   With Antifa/BLM as their enforcement arm, it would be a short hop to becoming Venezuela, and the Venezuelans warned us about it.

I don’t think I’m being hyperbolic when I say that if Biden wins, the American Experiment is over.  They will do enough damage to the structures that it will be impossible for Republicans ever to have the White House or Congress again.

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