Monday, September 26, 2022



In these dark times, I am trying to cling to events that give us a bit of hope.  With inflation raging, the stock market imploding, the border overrun, it’s hard to find things that give one a bit of succor.  We are, in fact, living through as time as disquieting as it has been since WWII, and it is not overreacting to have genuine concerns over whether our republic will come out whole.  But it is important to keep in mind that tyrants always enjoy first mover advantage.  Freedom loving people are a bit slow to react and gather themselves, and as it did in the 1940’s, we are seeing signs of pushback against the forces of tyranny.

In an absolutely brilliant move, the governors of Texas and Florida began to send the illegal immigrants that are pouring over the border to sanctuary cities and, in the case of Florida governor DeSantis, to the elite liberal bastion of Martha’s Vineyard.  Mayors of “sanctuary cities” like New York, DC, and Chicago griped that they “just didn’t have the infrastructure to deal with them.”  In the case of Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago, she promptly shipped them off to neighboring suburbs.  The good souls of Martha’s Vineyard, having been “enriched” by their visitors, called in the national guard and shoved them off to a military base within two days.  Nevertheless, the point had been made.  The false sanctimony of the progressives was put on display for all to see.

Trans movement
Independent journalist Matt Walsh exposed the Vanderbilt Medical Center for its hideous “gender affirmation” clinic, which disfigures preteen kids.  His expose of these modern Mengeles has triggered Tennessee lawmakers to take up a measure to bar these clinics from surgically altering minors and preventing them from administering puberty blockers.  Megyn Kelly has likewise featured interviews with individuals that regret their earlier decisions to undergo gender transition.   Abigail Shrier wrote her groundbreaking book “Irreversible Damage” (pulled from the shelves at Target) decrying the awful practice of influencing preteen girls into changing their gender.  After a late start, forces are beginning to emerge to oppose this cult-like trend.

Sweden and Italy
The Woke movement and the World Economic Forum are beginning to run into stiff political resistance.  Great Britain opted out of the EU entirely.  Hungary and Poland have been defying EU prescriptions on a number of fronts, including unimpeded Islamic immigration from the Middle East.  Sweden elected a conservative government and Italy has now followed suit.  The Swedish and Italian elections represent a rejection of the unelected authority of the EU and of the injection of Islamism into European culture.  The election of Georgia Melani is particularly satisfying, since she is a thumb in the eye of the EU and the WEF.  The leftist media is already labelling a “fascist,” a “racist” and the farthest right leader of Italy since Mussolini.  In fact, she is a civilizationist.

Safe-T Act
The Safe-T Act is the cashless bail act that was passed in the middle of the night, that, among other things, limits detainable offenses, provides that police cannot remove trespassers on you business or personal property and prohibits police from tracking down scofflaws for 48 hours after they remove electronic monitoring.  At a time when Chicago is reeling under an unprecedented crime wave, the Safe-T Act is an entirely pro-criminal statute.

The outrageousness of it compelled me to do something I have never done before—called my legislator to voice my displeasure.  She mostly spit back her standard talking points.  I went overboard to be polite and restrained—probably too much so.  When she started railing on the opposition for putting out “lies,” I politely reigned her back in and said, “I am interested in hearing why you supported it and the facts and data you looked at.” She deflected by saying “all cities are having a surge in crime.” She showed no concern whatsoever for victims of crime.   On the positive side, though, I did spend 30-40 minutes with her on the phone, she said they were working on “clarifications” to the statute, so she must be taking some heat for this.  I did my small part to push back, and I will do more.

 As I have often said, “Tyrants have first mover advantage.”  But we are seeing signs that resistance is gathering and it has to be a grass roots project

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