Thursday, March 24, 2022

Tell Me Lies, Tell Me Sweet Little Lies


Ok, maybe they’re not really sweet.  Or little.

Americans are sturdy people.  We can handle just about anything.  But we are really struggling with the patent lies and manipulation that seem to be bombarding us from every direction.  And the amazing thing is that they lie so boldly and confidently, while looking at you straight in the eyes.  And if you assert something to the contrary on social media, you will get banished, at least for awhile.

Here are just a few:

·        Lia Thomas is a woman.   That’s a flat out lie, and Charlie Kirk got booted from Twitter for saying it.  Lia Thomas is a man.  He has man equipment, which his teammates complained about seeing swinging around the locker room..  He has spent most of his life as a man.  Yet, Penn, the legacy media, social media, and the NCAA tried to tell you something different.   Heather Heying, the noted evolutionary biologist got it exactly right, “The binary nature of sex in our lineage, which is at least 500 million years old, is recognizable by everyone. It is recognizable even if you’re a cat who doesn’t even have all of his parts anymore."

 How to deal with trans people in sports is an easily solvable problem—create a new division.  Here in Illinois, we have 8 football brackets and 4 in boy’s basketball.  Why? Because it is not fair for large schools to be matched up with small schools.  Sports is inherently about fairness, not “inclusivity.”  Permitting Thomas to wreck the lifetime efforts of these girls is inherently unfair.  Abigail Shrier correctly termed her smashing NCAA records as “vandalism.”  Thomas’s  presence in intercollegiate women's competition is simply a lie and I hope at some point, the competitors have a Rosa Parks moment.

 ·        CDC overstated child COVID deaths by 24%, claiming it was a “coding error” in its algorithm.  A few weeks ago, CDC director Rochelle Walensky couldn’t answer how many COVID deaths were deaths “from COVID” versus “with COVID.”  White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki went further, stating that “we don’t know whether COVID harms older people more than younger people.” 

These are all apparent lies and attempts at obfuscation.  The overstatement of pediatric COVID deaths by that wide of a margin has wide implications.   Good data is needed to formulate policy, and the costs of bad policy are huge.   In the corporate world, if your earnings get restated by 24% because of an accounting error, your stock will take a hit, shareholder suits will follow, perhaps an SEC investigation and people will lose their jobs.  In other words, there will be consequences.  The CDC and the White House can have errors and misstate with impunity and there are no consequences whatsoever.

 ·        Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation.  51 former intelligence professionals signed on to that lie, and social media squelched any skepticism about it.   Yet, there have been no consequences.  We were told that Hunter Biden was on Burisma’s board of directors because of his business acumen, that his newfound profession as an artist was worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, and that his literary genius was worth a large book advance.  They didn’t even bother trying to come up for a plausible explanation for why the wife of the mayor of Moscow wired $3.5 million into his personal account.   They just glided over that one.  So far, no consequences.

 ·        The Steele Dossier and Clinton spying on Trump.   The mainstream media scoffed when Trump asserted that he was being spied on.  And now we know that it was true.  And it started with ginned up, falsehoods presented to the FISA court.  The FISA court is a special court, without an adversarial process, and as such, demands special procedural protections. As Chief Judge, John Roberts has oversight responsibility for the FISA court.  Yet, we have not heard a word from him regarding the fraud perpetrated on the FISA court for political purposes so that something like this never happens again.  Again, there were no consequences in a most serious matter to face the Republic since Watergate.  

 ·        Then there are unresolved questions about the Las Vegas shooting, the Nashville Christmas bombing, January 6, the Whitmer kidnapping plot, the “Patriot Front.”  None of these events have been fully explained, and leave a great deal of lingering skepticism.

 With the government’s enhanced ability to mislead, obfuscate and outright lie on full display, we now are hearing about biological research labs in the Ukraine, and the need to keep them out of Russian hands.   The US is in full denial that they are bioweapon labs while Russia is finger pointing and China is demanding transparency.  Tulsi Gabbard has raised the alarm about this and was slammed by Mitt Romney as “treasonous”—quite a serious charge.  

For the first time in my lifetime, I am equally skeptical about assertions regarding these labs from the Russian government, the Ukrainian government, the CCP and our own.   That is quite a realization.


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