Sunday, April 18, 2021

Conspiracy Theories


Tucker Carlson was slammed by the Antidefamation League last week for asserting that Democrats are attempting to replace the population with immigrants (legal or not) that would be more likely to vote Democratic in future elections.  He has been vilified on social media for being a “white supremacist” and a “conspiracy theorist.”   He contends that demographic change is the key to the Democrats’ political ambitions.” 

I actually think he’s understating the problem.  It would be hard to dream up a better and more insidious plan to cement one party rule over the country than is being executed now.  It is so wonderfully Stalinist, yet much more stealthy and sophisticated than the brute Stalin could design, or even Adolph for that matter.

Adolph asserted sovereignty for his vision by seeking liebensraum for the German peoples.   His political adversaries, the Bolsheviks, were jailed, beaten and murdered.  Jews were rounded up into ghettos, humiliated and ultimately deported to the camps on boxcars for extermination.   Stalin engaged in similar tactics, although he was not quite as systematic, efficient and industrial as the Nazis.  He starved out the Ukrainians and deported Lithuanians, Estonians and Latvians to Siberia to exert control over those lands. 

Today’s Leftists in America are a bit more nuanced (although I suspect that if Plan A ran into roadblocks, they would become less so).   But they are engaging in a form of ethnic and political cleansing no less ambitious than what Hitler and Stalin engaged in.   

If you wish to take over a country and assert sovereignty over it, what do you do?   First, you take over the cities.   That is what armies have done for hundreds of years.  Our armed forces most recently asserted control over Baghdad, Basra, Fallujah and Mosul.   In Afghanistan, we went for Kabul and Kandahar.   World War II in Europe wasn’t settled until we took control of Berlin.  The American Left knows that these major cities are the nerve centers and they wish to have complete control over them.  Make no mistake, New York, Baltimore, Chicago, Minneapolis, San Francisco, LA, Portland and Seattle are already under control and the deportations have commenced.

What?  What deportations?  Believe me, they are happening.

The American Left is much more sophisticated than the 20th century tyrants.  They rely much more on subterfuge than their 20th century counterparts.   Barack Obama and Susan Rice are much smoother than Old Uncle Joe Stalin.  They are engaging in ethnic cleansing and deportations by simultaneously making these cities unlivable for the existing professional, entrepreneurial and working class and making them very attractive for illegal immigrants and the underclass.  

Aided by the COVID19 pandemic, these cities are no longer livable for most people.

Unlike Stalin and Hitler who herded people into boxcars, working people are self-deporting.  The boxcars are not necessary.

The most important factor is safety.  Murder and sexual assault rates have skyrocketed.  Cashless bail and failure to prosecute has led the “Criminals Gone Wild.”   Illinois just signed into law its criminal reform bill forbidding police to even give chase to criminals.  Carjackings are a routine occurrence now.  You have to be able to go to work every day and enjoy the cultural aspects of a city relatively free of fear of physical harm.   Even after pandemic recedes, citizens are going to be very reluctant to go into the city in the evening for a symphony concert, opera or a play.  New York’s mayor DeBlasio took over several hotels on the Upper West Side and placed homeless, drug addicts, and sex offenders.   Hundreds of them are now wandering around the once middle class vibrant neighborhood, defecating in in the street, harassing and assaulting people at outdoor bistros, and masturbating in the open.   Illinois just passed a criminal reform act and human rights acts, putting restrictions on police (i.e. prohibiting them from chasing perps) and putting burdens on employers (prohibiting them from “undue” discrimination against job applicants with criminal convictions).  In Illinois, landlords cannot make inquiries of prospective tenants about their prior criminal history.  All this is to make urban areas less safe, less livable and more accommodating to criminals.

Taxes.   Illinois and New York continue to raise taxes.  The progressive tax failed in Illinois but they will try again.   New York is raising its top tax rate.  California’s is at 13.3%.   Property taxes in Illinois are the 2nd highest in the country.   The bottom line is that these places are no longer places where a person can reasonably hope to build a net worth.  The state will confiscate it.

Education.  Pandemic highlighted the state of education in these places.  Unions in Chicago are blocking teachers from going back to work.  And when they do go back to work, the schools have become little more than indoctrination camps.  In Illinois, “Culturally Sensitive Education” and LGBT history (whatever that is) are mandated by state law.  Since these cities are sanctuary cities, your children have to take a back seat to the children of illegal immigrants.

Adding this all up and it’s hard not to come to the conclusion that certain segments of the urban populations are actively being driven out.  And because of the largesse from Washington, showering these mayors with federal dollars, they really don’t care much if their tax base flees.   They are being pushed out by implied threats of violence, the confiscation of wealth, and an education system that is not viable.  To rub salt in the wound, the cities are tearing down the edifices of our culture.  

The message is clear—your presence is no longer desired here.

But the politicians running these places are not quite as bad as those that ran 1930’s Germany.  They’re letting you decide to leave on your own.

For now.

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