Sunday, March 21, 2021

The Costs of Woke


Well, well, well, lookie here.

Brett Blomme, president of the foundation that was pushing Drag Queen Story Hour on the nation’s libraries, was arrested on seven counts of child porn charges.

While the nation was tangled up in protecting children from the toxic masculinity of Mr. Potato Head and the racist imagery of the dreaded Dr. Seuss, a real predator was stalking our children.

If you need a reason to speak out against Woke culture, Mr. Blomme has given you one.

As libraries across the country hosted Drag Queen Story Hour, where a drag queen would read  stories to children aged 3 to 8, few had the sense to say no to this pathological event.  Even the Wall Street Journal ran an op-ed which said that the kids looked confused, but that it was a fairly benign event.

They were dead wrong. 

At the time, I wrote a strident opposition piece to Drag Queen Story Hour and sent it to our local library as well as to Chairman of the Board of Trustees at The Newberry Library.  The Newberry Library never responded and the local library sent me their “official” tolerant milquetoast policy statement  in return.

Drag Queen Story Hour has nothing to do with tolerance.  It is astonishing to me that the leaders of these organizations failed to discern between tolerance and grooming.  No one had the fortitude to stand up and say NO, this program is not appropriate for children.  What, exactly, did they think was the purpose of this foundation and the push to expose children to drag queens?  How can anyone argue that drag queen story hour is a healthy, nurturing activity for children?

I was not in any of those meetings when Drag Queen Story Hour was presented as an activity.  But it’s a good bet that the fear of being labeled a “bigot” or “homophobe” or “transphobe” was not something they wanted to confront.  It was just easier to be Woke and permit Drag Queen Story Hour.

But the reality is that because they were unwilling to stop and ask whether having children crawl on the lap of a drag queen was appropriate. 

Hint: It’s not.

The arrest of Blomme is exactly why we need to muster the courage to stand up to Woke.  Because no one had the spine to risk being called a bigot, children were put at risk.  The managers of these libraries were facilitating pedophilia, perhaps unwittingly.  We have a duty to protect these children, even at some social cost to us.  The reality is that pedophiles have been desperately seeking to latch on to the LGBTQ movement in order to normalize their sick activities.  The NYT has run op-eds about decriminalizing pedophilia and treating it like an illness.  The Left has been attempting to change the language, demanding that we refer to pedophiles as Minor Attracted Persons.   Netflix had no inhibitions about broadcasting the program Cuties that sexualized young girls.  We need to stop being naïve about how harmless this has been to kids.  It is most certainly not.

I sent the article on Blomme to both the local library and to The Newberry Library, with a sarcastic message, “thank you for your role in facilitating this worthy cause.” In a business, the exercise of judgment this bad usually results in dismissal.  Apparently with not-for-profits, there is little accountability for giving predators access to our children.

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