Sunday, September 6, 2020

A Tale of Two Visits


In the famous words of Woody Allen, 80% of success is showing up.

And both of the presidential candidates showed up to Kenosha this week, and the contrast couldn’t be more clear.

President Trump showed up to survey the damage done by the rioters and to pledge aid for police protection for this middle American community.  Of course, he was excoriated by the press for political opportunism, and asked by Governor Evers not to come, which made Trump even more determined to pay an in person visit.   The images were surreal and frightening.  Trump strolled around streets that looked more like 1945 Berlin than 2020 Kenosha, Wisconsin.  Trump did exactly as he should have done-met with the citizens to provide support and pledge financial assistance.   Former governor Scott Walker attributes the calming of Kenosha after three days of rampaging to Trump’s pledge of support for the city (

Now, after criticizing Trump for his visit to Kenosha, Democrat Joe Biden immediately seized on the opportunity and followed Trump into Wisconsin, a state which Democrats have apparently developed an inexplicable allergy to.   In contrast to Trump, who focused on the devastation to the community, Biden’s focus was on the Blake family.  He met with members of Blake’s family, spoke with Blake’s father and instead of making comments against the background of the rubble, he chose the incongruous backdrop of a church.

In the interim, we learned that Blake, Sr. had previously posted hateful and anti-semitic messages on social media, and that Blake, Jr. has a long and sordid history of crime and abuse of his girlfriend.  Indeed the warrant that was issued for his arrest was for sexual assault and he had committed despicable acts with this woman.  His girlfriend also claimed that Jacob would get drunk, show up and beat her a couple of times a year. 

Let’s be clear.  There were multiple victims in Kenosha.  There were the innocent business owners whose businesses were ravaged by the mayhem.   These are the people that Trump pledged to support, and, Trump was entirely justified in visiting Kenosha for that purpose; it is a primary function of government to support and protect these people from people that would destroy their property and livelihoods.

But lost in this entire twisted episode is the first victim--- the woman Blake accosted and assaulted.  Democrats routinely stake themselves out as the party of women, but when it came right down to it, when a vulnerable woman was brutally assaulted by a savage and inhuman punk, the leading Democratic candidate for president sided with the punk.  He spoke with both the perpetrator and his father, who reared this little beast.   He had no time for the woman Blake victimized.  So much for women’s empowerment.   Blake has a GoFundMe account set up for him and last I saw, it amounted to a couple million bucks.  The funds for Blake’s victim and the business owners? Hmmm. 

The only legitimate reason for a government official to speak to Blake Sr. would have been to ask him how he feels about raising such a sociopathic feral creature.  Perhaps Biden felt a special bond with Blake, Sr., having raised a no-account, misogynist, scofflaw himself.

But this is not today’s Democratic party.  Today’s Democrats  now unashamedly embrace Louis Farrakhan and people of his ilk—hateful, resentful, anti-semitic, anti-white, black separatist.  It could care less about victimized women (except, of course, if they make up stories to attempt to derail a Supreme Court justice).   It was shocking to see Bill Clinton appear on the same stage with Farrakhan at Aretha Franklin’s funeral two years ago.  But now we know that the fringe elements like Farrakhan  and Linda Sarsour have moved solidly to the base of the Democratic party.

In a few days, the two presidential candidates defined their constituents.  Trump stood with the citizens and Biden with the perpetrators.


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