Saturday, June 27, 2020

Demasculinization and the Mob

One of the most eye catching posts on Twitter regarding the pandemic was this one:

We were so afraid of dying that we forgot to live.

The announcement that the statue of Teddy Roosevelt would be removed from the American Museum of Natural History in New York was one of the most significant actions by the Radical Left in their zeal to tear down all of America’s historical markers.  TR exemplified American masculinity.  Robust, swashbuckling, intelligent, fearless, Roosevelt was probably one of the most accomplished Americans of the late 19th and early 20th century.  Among his many accomplishments, he established the National Park system, a man devoted to “green” before it was cool.  In addition to his deep intellect, Roosevelt was a big game hunter and lived the life of a cowboy and demonstrated his courage in the Spanish-American War.  His prodigious life was masterfully captured in Edmund Morris’s biographies.  Roosevelt was a true American, and a man’s man—the kind of man the Radical Left cannot tolerate.

Indeed, “toxic masculinity” became one of the pet vacuous phrases concocted  by the Radical Left to undermine American society (along with “social justice,” “the patriarchy,” “privilege,” “racial justice,” and the litany of phobias designed to put hard working, family oriented Americans on the defensive). 

Masculinity has been attacked with a number of tactics, many of which have been enormously successful in feminizing our population: We have labelled energetic boys as ADHD and drugged them.   Normal sexual advances that are at all persistent are now harassment, and any physical contact with a woman without express consent is considered sexual assault (attempting to steal a kiss from a girl like Jimmy Stewart did in so many films will get you bounced out of almost every college campus).  Colleges have shifted the burden of proof and removed due process across the country. 
Institutionalized demasculinization is occurring earlier and earlier.  Little boys are disciplined for showing “finger guns” in school.  Games like dodgeball have been removed from recess (if you even have recess). Drag Queen Story Hour, aimed at young children, has been implemented in libraries across the country.  Combat sports are being attacked.  Most disturbingly, the American Psychological Association recently put out statements that contended that traditional masculinity was harmful, linked to homophobia and misogyny (  In other words, the "experts" have determined that being a man is a disorder. 

We now see with real clarity what has been behind this push against manhood.  Because men resist.  Men take risks.  Men will defend their nation and their families.

This is all relevant now because we are nearing a time when men will need to step up.  The Radical Left has exploited our federal system and has been able to ally with feckless mayors to cause havoc in a number of our cities.  The real men of our country have been doing what they always do--- go about their business, obey the laws, work, help provide for their families.  So far, they have left the job of defending the country to those whose job it is to do so- through the function of government.  So far, that is failing.  The police aren’t policing.  Republicans in Congress have been meek and timid.  Even the boastful Donald Trump has done little more than Tweet in all caps.

Despite the fecklessness of our politicians, and despite the decades long effort at demasculinizing our society, I would not do too much gloating if I were on the Radical Left. 

If I were going to send a message to Antifa/BLM terrorists, it would be this:

You’ve had your run of the table so far.  You’ve had your easy early victories, enabled with winks and nods by leftist mayors.  You’ve torn down some statues and you’ve wrecked some businesses.  And you’ve been able to do so without incurring any costs.  You undoubtedly feel that the wind is at your backs right now. Enjoy the moment.

Because it’s about to get tougher.  A lot tougher from here on out.  Think of this like the NCAA basketball tournament.  You have just made it through the first couple of rounds.  But conversations are occurring.  And men are quietly preparing. A man will not jeopardize his safety to save a statue in the park, but if his family or nation are seriously threatened, the stakes will get higher.  And the risks will get higher for you if you insist on going down this progression. 

And there are now some red lines.  So far, you have been careful not to cross them, but you keep inching toward them.  If you are smart, you will stay away from them.  I can’t tell you exactly what those red lines are but I suspect we both know at least some of them.  You would be wise not to pee on that electrified third rail.  American masculinity is not dead, despite your best efforts, and if you do cross those lines, you will see it in all its glory.  It will not flinch.  It will not hesitate. It is not afraid of death.  And, yes, it will become toxic to you if you go too far.

Perhaps no other image of the week exemplified our current state as the film clip of the scrawny guy with the man bun screaming at the impassive black cop towering over him.  Whatever insults Mr. Man Bun threw at him, the cop just stood his ground with perfect discipline.  The image was striking because you know that if that cop unleashed his fury on Mr. Man Bun, the confrontation would be over within 45 seconds. 

The Radical Left needs to be very careful not to unleash that fury. 

It is silently but firmly lying in wait.

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