Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Collusion Illusion

The final report of the Mueller investigation was released this week with a press conference by Attorney General William  Barr.  It was enormously damaging---but not really to Trump.  It was damaging to our Republic and to the credibility of the Mainstream Media and our security agencies.  The strength of our Republic depends on those three things:  the willingness of election losers to accept the results, a free an independent press that acts as a watchdog, not an advocate, and security and law enforcement agencies that play it straight.   The Mueller probe has revealed the taint in all three.

The investigation was initiated with a fraudulent FISA application and was borne out of one of the worst things to befall a democratic republic—the refusal to accept the results of an election.   And with no small irony, the New Left, led by Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Elizabeth Warren, Al Green and their allies in the media are likewise refusing to accept the results of a $30 million, two-year probe that employed primarily Hillary Clinton supporters and donors as investigators.  They are moving on to impeachment.

If you can’t find collusion with this team, it simply isn’t there.   

The Democratic refusal to accept results of a elections has reached peak intensity with the Mueller probe.  Andrew Gillum at first refused to accept the results of his loss in Florida and Stacey Abrams, one of the new darlings of the New Left, is still refusing to accept her loss in Georgia.  The Mueller investigation was an outgrowth of Clinton’s refusal to accept her 2016 election loss.

In addition to the refusal to accept the results of an election, the Mueller probe utilized a now standard tactic of the New Left— level a false accusation, stay with it, and force the accused to fight it off.  The New Left has been employing this tactic and refining it since the Clarence Thomas hearings.  Because it works.  It almost derailed the Kavanaugh nomination.  Perpetrating the “Russian collusion” hoax was a no-lose tactic here, too.  If they found something, great.  If they did not, at least they put sand in Trump’s gears for a couple of years and diverted him from getting more accomplished.    

Leveling false accusations without consequence an inversion of our criminal justice system.  In our system, the accused is innocent until proven guilty.  The New Left employs the Stalinist version.  They accuse you and force you to try to prove a negative.  Fortunately, in Trump won both times—in the Kavanaugh nomination and his own.  A person less sturdy than Trump would have folded.  And in both of these cases, the MSM was fully on board, blaring out each leak and each cherry-picked shred of “evidence” that they were sure would lead to Trump’s downfall.

You can expect to see more of this.  The New Left will likely pay no price for what the Mueller investigation did to Trump.  Christine Blasey Ford paid no price for her false accusation against Kavanaugh.  Jussie Smollett was let off the hook by Obama ally, Kim Foxx.  The only incident in which the perpetrators and allies of falsehoods may be held to account is with respect to the Covington incident, and that is because they have an aggressive and talented lawyer that is willing to go after the media perpetrators in the court system.

Finally, and I think an overlooked aspect of the Mueller probe is that the MSM is so allied with the New Left and so obsessed with aborting the 2016 election results is that they deny our Republic the ability to fairly and accurately criticize Trump, to look at his policy choices critically and evenly and put sensible alternatives on the table.  By taking a side, and perpetuating falsehoods and writing in hyperbolic terms, they force the rest of us to choose sides.   You find yourself defending Trump against these silly charges like  “racism,” “xenophobia,” “Islamophobia,” “fascist” and the rest of the hyperbolic but unfounded accusations.  I have been often accused by my friends on the left of being a “Trumper.”  That is not true.  I am and have been from the beginning, a “semi-Trumper.”  I do question his policy choices.  His apparent willingness to sell F-35s to Turkey, for one, nominating Stephen Moore and Herman Cain (now withdrawn) to the Federal Reserve are bad ideas.  His tone and negotiating tactics (to Kim Jung-Un, “we fell in love”) lead me to grind my teeth.   I especially do not like that he hasn’t even talked about our fiscal imbalance (but the New Left promises only to expand it).  But Trump is addressing issues that have long needed to be confronted—Chinese trade policy, Iran, NATO and our porous border.  By being completely one-sided, and hyperbolically so, rather than being fair minded the New Left, and their MSM advocates push us into a defense of Trump, and they impair our ability to make fair assessments and judgments of his administration.

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