Sunday, January 13, 2019

The New Kids In Town

The exchange this week between Joe Lieberman and Democratic rock star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was highly instructive.  The retired and moderate former Senator and Vice Presidential candidate said in an interview that he hopes that Ms. Ocasio-Cortez was not the future of the Democratic party, that she is getting a lot of attention because she is “controversial” and “different”.  AOC as she is known by shorthand fired back in a tweet, “New party, who dis?”

The changing of the guard was on full display this week in the wooden and oddly staged response by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to Donald Trump’s address on border security.  The American Gothic memes immediately went viral.   Schumer looked like a tired, old undertaker with kidney stones and Pelosi’s odd, twisted expression told that her time has passed.  Folks like Elizabeth Warren increasingly look desperate and ridiculous as time on their political clock relentlessly ticks away.

The old dinosaur liberals are giving way to the next gen.   I believe that Mr. Lieberman is entirely incorrect.  This generation IS the future of the New Left and will, over time, take over the Democratic party.  The pretense is over and this generation is bringing a transparency that the old guard could not.  Now, it’s all going to be on the table, cards face up.

One of the better biographies of Barack Obama was The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama by David Remnick.  The title is the important piece.  In retrospect, Obama was a bridge to the New Left.  He was pretty careful to shade his views and carefully cultivated a moderate tone, even if his world view was not.  He was smart enough to know that the country would reject much of his agenda.  But his sympathies were clearly anti-business, anti-Israeli, pro-big government, lurching toward the nirvana of a command and control economy and a multicultural, borderless world based on a post-modern world view.  Black Lives Matter, the environmental totalitarians, and CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood always had a place at the dining table while Bibi ate alone downstairs.  But there is little doubt about his desire to “fundamentally transform America” despite his more moderate tone.

This generation doesn’t bother with the pretense and it’s a good thing.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
AOC as she is known was anointed very early by Tom Perez as the “future of the party.”  You should pay attention when people say things because they just might mean it.   AOC is young, pretty, energetic and brash.  Going from a barista to media darling in a matter of weeks, she is boldly laying out the agenda of the New Left.  She has adopted the worst attributes of Donald Trump—using social media to message, exaggerating facts and snidely hitting back at her political enemies, both inside the Democratic party and across the aisle.  And, like Trump, the mocking of her sorority girl assertions and style seems to fuel her image. 

Undeterred by challenges from the friendly crew at CNN, AOC is the perfect figure for the future.  A product of our left captured higher education system, she has increased her salary by about seven times by working for the government, has already violated workers comp regulations (laws and regs are for the little people), and has exaggerated and misled about her background.  But she is an above board socialist (unlike Obama) and fearlessly puts out markers for the New Left (70% marginal rates for “tippee tops,” “Medicare for all,” and “Green New Deal”). 

Those that don’t take her seriously and fail to recognize the danger will live to regret it.

Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib
Obama’s pro-Islamist, anti-Israel and anti-Jewish leanings were also camouflaged to a great degree, mostly because of his denials, but Omar and Tlaib have put their views out in the open.   Tlaib screeched “Impeach the m***f**cker” during her celebration party and a map in her office has a post-it with “Palestine” pasted over a map of Israel in her office.   She showed up in Palestinian garb for her swearing in ceremony while posting a tweet accusing Jews of having dual loyalties (Ms. Tlaib appears to be more interested in representing Palestinians than the constituents in her district).    If there is a substantive difference between having Tlaib in Congress and anti-Semite Linda Sarsour in Congress, I fail to see it.  They appear at the same functions like sorority sisters.

Likewise the first initiative taken by Ms. Omar was to change the House rules to permit the donning of that international symbol of women’s oppression -  the hijab.  Her twitter post “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel” tell you all you need to know about Ms. Omar.

Omar and Tlaib, like AOC are not aberrations.   They figure to have a prominent position with the New Left and the future Democratic party.  I will have more to say on this topic in future posts, but their ascendancy and affiliations are very troubling ….and their goals are very transparent.

And if that isn’t enough to give one pause, prominent Democrats appeared on stage with virulent anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan at Aretha Franklin’s memorial service last summer.

There is lots of evidence to suggest that just as the New Left conflates legal and illegal immigration, it is evidencing an anti-Israeli posture, which is drifting into anti-Semitism.

Leana Wen
For years, Planned Parenthood sold itself as a “women’s health” organization and kept repeating the mantra that abortion services are only 3% of what it does.  Even WaPo admitted that the 3% figure was misleading.  Planned Parenthood does about 321,000 abortions per year, representing about half of U.S. abortions.   So Planned Parenthood is in other lines of business in the same sense that the Mob is in the olive oil business.  Worse, the undercover filmings of abortion professionals showed a callous disregard for abortion and evidenced that it was also in the baby parts wholesaling business.
Then, just this week, I saw an ad posted for a job at Planned Parenthood with the title “Director, Judicial Nominations.”   What in the world does that professional position have to do with women’s health?
New director Leana Wen tweeted out this week that ….”our core mission is providing, protecting and expanding access to abortion and reproductive health care.”
No more hiding behind the “it’s only 3%” talking point.  Wen is out in the open, leading with its lead product.   The reality is that Planned Parenthood’s core identity is abortion, selling baby parts and lobbying for fewer restrictions to do more of the same.

Sarah Jeong
Ms. Jeong obtained a highly sought after and prestigious position on the New York Times editorial board even after her highly racist and nasty Twitter posts were revealed, such as:

oh man it’s kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men” and

Dumbass fucking white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants”

It is hard to imagine any white person being hired after having posted similar things about African Americans or Hispanics in any professional venue.   Yet the New York Times blithely washed it all away, rationalizing that she was simply responding to racist comments that were directed at her and that they were ancient history.  The directness of her tweets and obvious racism could not be whitewashed.  And it can only be concluded that the New York Times is happy to have someone who holds her views determining editorial content.   It is a well known truism that people like to hire people like them.

Most conservatives and libertarians would be chagrined to see the boldness and radicalism of the New Left.  I am not.   I am actually pleased to see it.  It is refreshingly honest for a change.   AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Leana Wen and Sarah Jeong are the New Left.  The New Left has proclaimed that “the future is female” and, indeed, this is what it looks like.  There is no more camouflaging, obfuscating, or misdirecting.   They are quite open about their positions and affiliations and are being quite transparent. They are the leaders of the New Left and are laying down their markers.

Now, choose your future.

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