Sunday, December 16, 2018

SJWs Are Winning

Whatever your position in the political divide, one thing is clear, the Social Justice Warriors are taking the fight to conservatives and are winning hands down.   The SJW’s have successfully instituted two sets of standards for what is acceptable and what is not, and who will be forgiven and who will not.

The usual “war on Christmas” has intensified and has been attacked by the #metoo crowd, the third wave feminists and the trans and gender neutrality mob.  Several radio stations have banned “Baby, It’s Cold Outside,” complaining that the song connotes date rape.   Never mind that that the woman suggests consent “maybe just a half a drink more” and the original Dean Martin song is sung in harmony.  Seduction, persuasion and romance have no place in our new world.  Likewise, the SJW’s attacked Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer for not being inclusive enough.  Never mind that in the end, Rudolph overcomes and becomes part of the gang.  Finally, as I write this, Twitter is ablaze with suggestions that Santa Claus should be gender neutral.  Never mind that there actually is a Mrs. Claus.   Yes, this all sounds quite silly, but the fact that our traditions and myths are under attack means that Judeo-Christian traditions have to be constantly defended. 

On top of the assault on Christmas songs and traditions,  Dr. Seuss was criticized as racist as was Peanuts.   Laura Ingalls Wilder was demoted and had her name stripped from the children’s book award medal for her depiction of Native Americans.   Writer Lionel Shriver was dumped from the panel that selected the best short stories because she objected to the emphasis on “diversity” over literary talent and otherwise pushed back against the SJW’s.  Apparently only devotees of Ta-Nehisi Coates are welcome in literary circles these days.

The SJW’s successfully shamed astronaut Scott Kelly into apologizing because he quoted Winston Churchill in a speech.   Referring to the single man who is credited with saving Western Civilization from the Nazi juggernaut, Kelly incredibly tweeted, “Did not mean to offend by quoting Churchill.  I will go and educate myself further on his atrocities, racist views which I do not support.”   Kelly really doesn’t get it.  To the SJW’s, apologizing is red meat.  And further, the SJW’s believe that Western Civilization is the root of the problem, so should not have been saved. 

In the gender wars, the trans and gender-neutral movement made great strides.  In addition to the attempted neutering of Santa Clause, one of the lead competitors in the Miss Universe pageant is a trans-woman, Victoria’s Secret is under attack because it has not yet featured a trans model, and girls’ womens’ sports are in complete disarray because transgendered individuals are now allowed to compete and are cleaning up, thereby reversing all of the gains of Title IX that have accrued to girls and women.  But not genuflecting to 0.06% of the population will get you labelled as a bigot, so girls best go back to playing with Barbies. 

The Boy Scouts caved into pressure and began to admit girls and permitted girls to achieve Eagle Scout designation.   The move drew a lawsuit from the Girl Scouts and now it seems that the Boy Scouts will soon file for bankruptcy (diluting your brand + sex abuse claims will do that).  One of the last bastions of formation for young men will likely be gone. 

And to ensure compliance with the SJW rules, you may be punished severely for things you posted as a teen.  Heisman Trophy winner Kyler Murray was publicly shamed for a “homophobic” tweet he posted when he was 14.   On what should have been the proudest day of his life, Murray was busy defending himself against charges of bigotry.

Perhaps what is most puzzling to me is how a swath of corporate America has jumped on board.  Several banks denied gun sellers’ access to payment platforms.  Dick’s stopped selling “assault” type rifles and bumped the minimum age to buy a gun to 21.   While government can’t infringe on the 2nd Amendment, parts of corporate America has decided that they will.  The market responded and Dick’s sales declined, forcing a closure of some 35 stores.   Ben & Jerry’s introduced a Pecan Resistance ice cream, featuring none other than anti-Semite Linda Sarsour in their introduction photo.  Why would a company knowingly affiliate its brand with a hate monger too far left for the Women’s March?  Recall that last year, Nike introduced its “sport hijab” with much virtue signaling.  I would like to know exactly how many Nike has sold and whether that product line has made a profit.

Our social norms are changing much faster than we realize, and the SJW’s have the upper hand.

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