Sunday, June 10, 2018

Bye bye Elite Women's Athletics

Who put these people in charge?

The tyrannical Left is tramping through our gender and sexual mores like Godzilla through Tokyo, bullying, coercing, stomping and knocking things over wherever it goes.  And if you so much as raise questions about it, you get labelled a homophobe, trans-phobe, or, gasp--- a defender of the Patriarchy.

Title IX was passed to rebalance inequities in athletics, addressing the disparity between the resources devoted to boys and men’s sports and women’s sports.  Title IX did have some negative side effects.  It was devastating to men’s “minor” sports like wrestling as schools cut those programs to achieve some sort of parity.  But opportunities for women improved greatly since its passage and while women’s sports do not yet have the attendance or generate the money that the men’s sports do—particularly in basketball and football, the opportunities and quality of play have vastly improved since Title IX’s passage.  Women’s basketball, soccer, hockey look nothing like they did 30 years ago.   The game, the skill level of the players, the talent is at an entirely different level.

But the Left has taken Title IX, and twisted it beyond all recognition.  It is being being used to destroy women’s sports and reverse all of the progress that has been made, and along with it, reset sexual relationships among men and women on campus—all without a vote or discussion.  It has done so through diktat and coercion.

In  Connecticut this week, transgender athletes won the state title in the 100 and 200 meter girls track events (one of them breaking a record).  In 2017, a biological male won state titles in two track events in Connecticut. Last year, a transgender won the Texas state girls wrestling title.   Internationally, biological males have won powerlifting championships in women’s divisions.  Occurrences like this are becoming more and more common and will continue to proliferate.    Transgender or gender dysphoria, affecting a tiny proportion, has now developed an outsized influence on our society.  The transgender/gender fluidity movement of has gone from its original aim—to halt or minimize unfair discrimination, bullying, or marginalizing to elbowing its way into the mainstream, which it is not.   Progressivism, which helped to pass Title IX and advance women’s sports is now threatening to destroy elite women’s athletics.

The Left has decided that the “rights” of this tiny minority of the population deserves to be elevated and should take priority over the rights and lifestyles of girls and women.  To become a state champion in track and field requires hours and hours over years of hard, grueling training, discipline, attention to diet, and lifestyle changes.   Often, it requires financial sacrifice and sacrifice on the part of an entire family.   It often takes financial sacrifice as well.  Parents hire private coaches, cart athletes off to camps and clinics, as well as travel to and from meets, which often take time and expense.   Competing at the elite level means that these girls do not have a “normal” life.   If schools and associations are going to permit biological males to compete and unfairly deprive girls and young women of the opportunity to win, why do it?  Why go through all this?   Why suffer through the fatigue, the hard work, the sacrifice when you cannot be champion?  Competitive girls will start to turn their energies elsewhere where they can flourish and be successful.    Why would an elite female athlete compete when the best she can do is 2nd or 3rd place?

The progressive Left has been on quite a roll lately.   It has decided that Boy Scouts should not be limited to boys, and has allowed girls to become members, depriving boys of a limited space in our society in which they can, without the pressure of girls around, learn to become men.  And just this week, the Miss America beauty pageant decided to do away with the beauty part of the pageant, because in their minds it “objectifies” women. Forget that the beauty of the human form has been a subject of artists for hundreds of years.

No Boy Scouts.  No Miss America Pageant.  And in the not-too—distant future, the top echelon of women’s athletics will no longer be for women.

Had enough progress, yet?

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