Sunday, November 8, 2020

Venezuela 2.0


I have a very nice section in my home library devoted to American history and American literature.  Giants like Page Smith, Samuel Eliot Morison, Bernard Bailyn, Gordon Wood, among others inhabit my shelves (I actually had the honor of meeting Mr. Wood a couple of years ago).   I have collected these volumes over the years and I have often thought that if a fire broke out in my home, they would probably be the first possessions I would grab as I ran out.

On Wednesday evening as the belated results trickled in (led by the 3 a.m. ballot drop in Wisconsin), I stared at those shelves and wept a little.

What has happened hit me harder than 9/11.  Although there have been no deaths (yet), the 2020 election will have a much deeper effect on the nation than 9/11 did.   At least on 9/11, we were able to arise the next morning, unite, and say, “Let’s go get the bastards that did this.”  This is much different.  This is Venezuela 2.0.

I have to hand it to the Radical Left, though.  It was a well-executed plan, to be able to claim mandate in an election that we would not recognize if it were held in a developing nation.  

It had two major prongs to it. Writer Charles Murray (The Madness of Crowds)  commented, “Something important happened this summer.” It sure did.  The Radical Left showed unleashed their brownshirts.  With winks and nods from Democratic mayors like Ted Wheeler and Lori Lightfoot, their street thugs were able to attack police with impunity and, even if arrested, were mostly bailed out by Democratic operatives.   The Radical Left showed you the knife. 

Then, using COVID as the screen, pushed for widespread mail balloting.  With no controls, late night ballot drops, ballot counting that actively blocked observers, the Radical Left manipulated enough votes to make it look like Biden won the Electoral count.  Of course, the Radical Left had ample help from the MSM and social media, which went all out, censuring the Hunter/Joe Biden corruption and finally Fox sticking the knife in, calling Arizona soon after the polls closed which caused many voters to just go home in that tight race.  Then there were the computer “glitches,” and allegations that the Hammer and Scorecard software may have been used.  Every person that I have spoken with that has a modicum of quantitative training has asserted that it is a virtual certainty that fraud turned the election.  In the parlance of the financial world, we call these indicia “red flags,” and they were legion throughout the voting process.

They have had several practice runs at this.  I saw it first hand in the purple 10th district in 2012.  Incumbent Republican Bob Dold ran against Democrat Brad Schneider,  for a seat the Democrats desperately wanted to flip.  I was at Dold headquarters as the results came in.  Dold held a comfortable lead all night.  There were lots of smiles, kissing and people were already starting to pop champaign corks.  All that needed to be done was to count the few hundred absentee ballots.  Inexplicably, the absentee ballots came in at 85% Schneider, 15% Dold, ludicrously improbable.  I stood next to the stunned father of Bob  Dold, who said, “Something’s not right.”

He was right.  It wasn’t.  But Dold never contested the result and now the Illinois 10th is safely in Nancy Pelosi’s warm, loving hands with a Brad Schneider that was all in on impeachment.

You are now being told that fraud was not widespread… by the same people that looked you in the eye when cars were burning, cops were bleeding and windows were being smashed and said these were “mostly peaceful” protests.  Again, you have to hand it to them.  The messaging was brilliant. 

Trust me.  This has been game planned. 

The Radical Left has put our Republic and the court system in a very tough spot.  The ballots and process have been so muddied that forensics and recounts are likely to be of little value.  The ONLY reliable remedy would be a do-over with in person voting with valid ID and observers--- just like you would in any third world fledgling democracy.

Democrats  messaged that somehow Amy Coney Barrett is a product of an  illegitimate process (Democrats used that word multiple times during her confirmation hearings),  thus guaranteeing that if the court somehow arrived at this remedy, the resulting mayhem on our city streets would make this summer look like a picnic.   This implicit threat of violence now looms large.

Democracies depend on the losing side accepting the outcome.  In this case, the ONLY way to do that is to have a do-over in Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona and perhaps North Carolina, and a supervised, in person election is now imperative in the Senate runoff in Georgia, where the Radical Left is undoubtedly planning the same shenanigans to grab power in the Senate.  The Radical Left is far from done.

If the Senate goes, the Radical Left has told you that it plans to take a sledgehammer to all the institutional safeguards that protect a viable two-party system—a 9 justice Supreme Court, the Electoral College, the filibuster, and an effective border.   The Radical Left has gotten a taste of the CCP and they like its flavor.  

Having brandished the knife (Antifa/BLM), will the Supreme Court be willing to allow our cities burn or will it allow the Constitution to be burned?  It all will come down to that question.  Good strategists force opponents to make choices between bad and worse outcomes.   The Radical Left has done just that. 

Conservatives and many Constitutionalists continue to hold out hope that the “process” will remedy this.  But this is asymmetric warfare.  The Radical Left cares little about process.

We now stand on the precipice of becoming Venezuela 2.0.

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