Sunday, November 15, 2020

A Dangerous Place


We are in a very dangerous place.  As I wrote last week, we are on the brink of becoming Venezuela 2.0.  What you have witnessed was not a free and fair election, but a color revolution.  It was well-planned, well-coordinated, and well-executed, down to minute details.  After four years, of calling Trump a Nazi, what we are witnessing is something as ruthlessly efficient as anything put together by the Third Reich.

The Radical Left has an overwhelming tactical advantage right now.  It will do things that Constitutionalists will not do.   Most fundamentally, Constitutionalists, believers in the American Experiment and American values believe in a vibrant two-party system.  Even those of us that tilt right understand that the Right can, and often does, go off the rails, that we must take into account other considerations and other constituencies.   The Radical Left no longer has any such inclinations.  It believes in the righteousness of its cause, harbors no doubts about them on any front—economically, socially, politically.  Therefore, opponents are infidel equivalents (it is no accident that it has chosen to ally with Islamism) and opponents must be driven from political, economic and social life.  It is a totalitarian movement and its goal is a one party system.

How do I know?  They’ve told us and they’ve been pretty explicit about it.  They have told us directly that they wish to pack the Supreme Court, end the Senate filibuster, do away with the Electoral College and open the border.   In other words, kick over every structure that assures a two-party system and that the other side has a voice. 

What concerns me most?

Three elements:  The denial of reality, the granting of privilege, and most troubling, the normalization of political violence.

Denial of Reality

The blatant denial of reality by political leaders (and the MSM) has been simply stunning.  Attempting to create an alternative universe, governors and mayors claimed that the looting, burning, intimidation and property destruction were “mostly peaceful protests.”  The rest of us looked upon the dystopian images in stunned silence as New York, Chicago, Portland, San Francisco and even little Kenosha were wrecked, their law-abiding citizens cowering in fear as mobs ravaged the landscape.

We are now being told that there is not evidence of voter fraud in this election.  But no one with a modicum of education in statistics is buying it.  It is simply implausible that a man that did not campaign and could not fill up a high school gym with supporters when he did, is barely cogent, and lost support among people of color won this election.   The “badges of fraud” are legion—counting mail-in ballots without signatures, swing states all shutting down counting simultaneously, shutting out observers, districts with more votes than registered voters.   Taken together, these anomalies, which all tilted in one direction scream FRAUD.  And, like the pay-for-play, going on in the Clinton Foundation, they respond, “Prove it!”  Do you really think we don’t know what went on? 

The Radical Left (which includes allies in the MSM) has gotten very adept at denying the reality that you see right in front of your eyes.  But unless you have the equivalent of the blue dress as evidence, you will not prevail.


We are being told to stay in our homes, cancel the holidays, not have a funeral for grandma, wear masks, while politicians like Lori Lightfoot, Chuck Schumer, Bill DeBlasio gather in large crowds to celebrate the Biden victory.  DC mayor Muriel Bowser shrugs off violating her own quarantine rules to attend election celebrations.  Lightfoot and Pelosi get their hairdos while Michigan governor Whitmer hounds a barber in his 70’s for staying open.  Most egregiously, the infamous Dr. Fauci, who last summer was caught without a mask, violating social distancing “rules” at a baseball game, is now telling us to “do what you’re told.”   "Do what your told" lost its cache in this country in 1773 with the Boston Tea Party.

It’s been going on all summer.  Huge crowds were permitted to attend the funeral of George Floyd, but you are told to cancel Thanksgiving, forego grandma’s funeral services, and keep your kids out of school.  Nancy Pelosi was planning a large state dinner welcoming new members until she was shamed out of it.  We know that a virus cannot distinguish between the entitled political class and gatherings for progressive causes and us plebians.   We know something else is going on here, and we are taking note.

Probably the most blatant example of the privilege at play is Ilhan Omar.  She likely violated immigration laws through a fraudulent marriage, funneled millions into her new husband's consulting firm, and has engaged in vile anti-semitism, yet remains untouched, unrepentant and remains a celebrated member of "The Squad."  

The privilege extends in many directions.  Businesses are being crushed by lockdowns, people are being thrown out of work, especially in the restaurant, hospitality, and airline industries.  Yet government workers don’t miss a paycheck, even as demand for government services has declined.  

It is not white privilege that is wrecking our society.  It is Marxist privilege.


The Radical Left began to normalize political violence as soon as Trump took office.  There was the play in Central Park in which Trump was stabbed to death.  Then there was Kathy Griffin holding the severed head of Donald Trump and Whoopie Goldberg sporting a t-shirt showing Trump being shot in the head. 

Left wing politicians used it in their language.  Joe Biden spoke of “beating the hell out of Trump if he were in high school.”  Andrew Cuomo recently said, “If I wasn’t governor of New York, I would have decked him.”  The political class has normalized and verbalized their desire to use physical violence against a political opponent.  This is VERY dangerous.

Of course, there were the riots this summer in Minneapolis, New York, D.C. and Chicago and the ongoing Antifa assaults in Seattle and Portland.   There were follow on outbursts in Kenosha, Waukesha, and Philly.   In each case, people were injured and sometimes killed, property was destroyed, stores looted and in each case, public officials told law enforcement to stand down or otherwise handcuffed them.   The widespread looting, burning, harassing of citizens and physical attacks on law enforcement officers continued with muted responses from Radical Left mayors.  In Evanston a few weeks ago, Northwestern students (among the most privileged youths on the planet) rioted and threw bricks at police and pointed lasers in their eyes.  These are assaults that under the rule of law would justify the use of deadly force in response.  By not condemning it, and taking firm steps to stop it, one can only assume that Democratic politicians are giving their tacit assent.

And now,  AOC, Jennifer Rubin and others are making lists of political enemies.   Antifa is harassing lawyers that are assisting the Trump campaign.  Earlier this summer, Tucker Carlson’s family was harassed by mobs as was the family of Mitch McConnell.  No Democrat has yet condemned Antifa or their assaults, including the assaults last night in D.C. The tolerance and tacit approval of political violence will be the spark that sets things off.  

Marxism has mutated.   It has merged with Woke culture  and found an ally in COVID19 that provides the rationalization for stripping away our liberty and installing a one party system.  The hard truth is that people had more freedoms in Eastern Bloc countries than we do now in Blue States, and we will have to fight to claw them back.  With each passing day, I fear that a widespread physical confrontation becomes more likely.

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