Monday, September 13, 2021

The Hallmarks of a Communist or Fascist Regime


There are demonstrable, legitimate reasons to be deeply concerned about our society at the present time.    As I discussed in my post on May 31, the radical movement that seems to have gripped the nation doesn’t look exactly like other socialist/communist movements (  I argued that it is more of a hybrid between a communist movement and national socialism and has borrowed features from each. 

But in any event, I believe that the radical Left that has gained control of our federal government and many states and municipalities is as dangerous as anything we’ve witnessed since the end of the Cold War.  Because the New Left doesn’t look exactly like Bolshevism or National Socialism, many are confused about it.   Here’s why you should be concerned.

Its Callous Disregard for Human Life

Like its Communist and National Socialist antecedents, the New Left has a callous disregard for human life.   James Lindsay, in his New Discourses podcast of April 23, 2021, Communism Doesn’t Know How   ( argues that the Neo Marxists are in a hurry to dismantle the current system but are vague on what is to replace it.  I would add to that an assertion that Communism Doesn’t Care (and neither does fascism). 

And it doesn’t.  Mao starved out millions, as did Stalin.  And we know about Hitler.  And Pol Pot.

Are today’s Neo-Marxists any better?  Not much.  They are evidencing a lack of inhibition about breaking a few eggs to advance their agenda.

Whatever your views on abortion, the cheering and glee that we witnessed in New York and Illinois over passing laws permitting unrestricted abortion until birth was grotesque.   Ending the life of an almost-to-be-born fetus would be a somber and serious thing, no matter what.  But what we saw were all cheers, smiles and backslapping. 

Likewise, in cities like Chicago, the violent crime rate continues to escalate.  In Chicago, 280 children have been shot so far this year.  A 24 year old bank employee was stabbed to death in the middle of the day a few weeks ago, and earlier this summer, a 31 year old woman was stabbed to death just blocks from Sears Tower.  A University of Chicago student was shot to death on his way home from his internship this summer.  A 70 year old former special ed teacher was slain on her way home from a White Sox game.  Dozens of black children have been murdered, and I have repeatedly asked the question of why I seem to care about the senseless slaughter of black children more than the black city management does.  There has been no effort, no urgency, no mandate, no personnel changes.  The Neo-Marxists in charge are apparently ok with the status quo.  The death toll is an acceptable level to advance their agenda…or they would do something different.

Similarly, the abrupt withdrawal from Afghanistan cost us 13 young marines, and an untold number of Afghan allies and people that assisted the U.S.  Even more egregious, we left Americans behind.   The images of Afghans falling from airplanes that they were clinging to will be seared in our memories for a long time.  There are reports that U.S. intelligence knew of the suicide bomber and actually had him locked on with a drone but did not disrupt it because we were negotiating with the Taliban.  The photos of Biden checking his watch as he met the parents showed just how much he cared.

Marxists and Nazis simply do not care.  The loss of human life is incidental to their drive to power. 


Lies and Deceits

The second marker of a Communist or Nazi is the willingness to propagate  falsehoods.  And where to even start with this bunch?   From the Christmas bombing of Nashville in which the entire investigation was wrapped up in 48 hours to Anthony Fauci’s lies about funding “gain of function” research at the Wuhan Lab to the Pentagon’s claim that they had killed ISIS-K leaders when in fact, they had mistakenly droned a family, the government has gotten bigger, bolder and more brazen putting out falsehoods.

Then there are the “do you think we’re that stupid” lies like Hunter Biden selling his “artwork” for upwards of $500,000 when he had no previous history of artistic inclinations.  

Then there is the 1/6 “deadly invasion of the capitol” except that the only death was at the hands of the Capitol Police and the “insurrection” looked suspiciously more like the Reichstag Fire than and actual insurrection. 

And just today, the government announced that it was sending $64 million in “humanitarian aid” to Afghanistan, but assures us that none of it is going to the Taliban, but rather will be administered by NGO’s and not-for-profits.


The lies and deceits that are painfully obvious to anyone with a functioning central nervous system are a hallmark of communism/national socialism.

These are the things that concern me most.  I do not recall a time in my lifetime when a government evidenced such a callous disregard for human life and was so willing to look us in the eye and lie.

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