Saturday, April 24, 2021

Zombie Children


There is a horrible, gruesome scene at the end of the classic horror film, Night of the Living Dead in which the little girl that has been bitten by a zombie comes back to life and while her mother begs her sweet little daughter for her life, repeatedly stabs her mother to death with a trowel with screeching sounds in the background in a scene reminiscent of the shower scene in Psycho.  The dissonance of the murderous scene is jarring to us as a child turned cold murderer, so devoid of humanity that she brutally stabs her mother.  The little girl later goes after the film’s hero.  He is able to fend her off, toss her aside, and barricade himself in the farmhouse basement.

That film, which recently turned 50 (both actresses that played the daughter and mother are still alive, ironically) was prescient and is a metaphor for what is happening on our streets today.

Children in certain areas of our cities have turned into zombie-like soulless killers, with no regard for human life and are stalking us.  Our law enforcement and criminal justice system is ill-equipped to deal with them.  

In November of 2019, little Tessa Majors, a freshman at Barnard College was stabbed to death by a 14 year old in Manhattan.

The two girls that coldly murdered Mohammed Anwar in DC last month were 13 and 15.

The knife wielding Ma’Kia Bryant was shot and killed in Ohio as she raised the blade fully intending to stab her victim to death as she announced her intent to do so.   Bryant was 16.

Also in Ohio a 13 year old girl stabbed another 13 year old to death.

Right here in Chicago, 13 year old Adam Toledo was shot and killed by a Chicago cop, a split second after he dropped a gun after a foot chase down a dark alley.  The officer had responded to a call that someone was shooting up cars.   Young Toledo had been given the nicknames “Li’l Homicide” and “Bavy Diablo,” clues to his “innocence.”

Chicago also has had some 2,000 carjackings from January 2020 through today.  Many are done by armed youngsters as young as 10 years old.

These incidents are not one-off occurrences.  They are happening every day, primarily in large metropolitan areas of blue states.

The Woke Left blames society at large, law enforcement, or, more absurdly, the victims themselves.  When Tessa Majors was murdered, the MSM put out the claim that she was in the park trying to buy pot.   When Mohammed Anwar was murdered, Mayor Bottoms tweeted (since deleted) that car owners needed to be more careful guarding their autos.  Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, blamed all of society for the death of young gangbanger Adam Toledo.  “We failed Adam,” she exclaimed, then promptly ordered the police department to cease chases unless the officer received permission from his supervisor.  A social justice warrior fund (Chicago Community Bail Fund)  posted bail for the gangbanger that provided Toledo with his weapon.  In the case of knife wielding Bryant,  White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki immediately talked about race and proclaimed, “She was a child.” 

These juvenile terrorists are proliferating in a society that seems increasingly pathological.   It is a problem that is mostly confined to minorities, where the illegitimacy rate is 70%, or where there is little or no parental oversight.  

Ma’Kia Bryant had been placed in a foster home.  Adam Toledo’s mother did not report him missing for 72 hours.  One has to assume that the killers of Tessa Majors and Mohammed Anwar have similar unstable backgrounds.  Yet Black Lives Matter proudly proclaimed that the destruction of the nuclear family was one of its basic tenets (since removed from its website), and we are now seeing the fruits of the destruction of the family and the downgrade of religion.

The question remains – what to do about these child killers and terrorists.   Pandemic has kept them out of school.  Gangs know that the criminal justice system will go soft on them. 

The Supreme Court last week ruled 6-3 in Jones v. Mississippi that a juvenile may be sentenced to life without parole without a showing that the child is incorrigible.  In that case, a minor brutally murdered his own grandfather, stabbing him multiple times—so viciously that he broke the knife.  Laurence Tribe remarked, “it gutted the just and decent treatment of juveniles.”

But what is the just and decent treatment of juveniles that are so lacking in behavioral inhibitions that they would commit such heinous crimes?   Even with therapy and a structured environment, what does the future hold for the soulless little killer of Tessa Majors, or the two girls that coldly killed Mr. Anwar and were seen on video obsessed with finding their cell phones, while Anwar died in a crumpled heap?  Is there any doubt that if Adam Toledo had slipped away that he would have eventually taken the life of someone else, if he hasn’t already?  The answer cannot be 6 months with a social worker and turn them loose on society again. 

Our society is now so ill that it has bred a whole legion of feral children—zombie-like creatures, like the little girl in Night of the Living Dead, directly out of a Steven King novel, that will stalk and terrorize us while the New Left points fingers at law enforcement officers that are struggling to protect us against them.

Think for a moment of the officers that were faced with the awful choice of pulling the trigger on Bryant or Toledo and what they now have to live with, attempting to keep them from destroying the lives of others.   These events represent the essence of Critical Theory—to place a decisionmaker into a no-win situation.  In Toledo’s case, if the officer doesn’t shoot, he may be killed.  In Bryant’s situation, if the officer doesn’t shoot, the victim will likely be killed.  In each case, the officer is in an awful position—and must decide in a split second.

We are experiencing Night of the Living Dead in real life.

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