Monday, January 18, 2021

Bloodless Revolution (so far)


Let me try to make sense of all this for you and give you my interpretation of what has occurred to our great nation.

You can choose to believe me or not and in the coming weeks, we will likely see more evidence pile up that my interpretation is the correct one.  If it turns out that I am incorrect, I will be happy to admit it.

If everything seems confusing to you, it is meant to be.  That means it’s working.  You don't know for sure who really won the election because the evidence of fraud was never heard.  You don't know who perpetrated the chaos in the Capitol building because the media told you it was Trump insurrectionists.  You don't know why the Christmas bombing that killed no one occurred in Nashville because after only 48 hours, the FBI told you it was a lone wolf.  You don't even know who will be president with any certainty.  You know that this bumbling, stumbling, dementia ridden old fool is not capable.  

I am going to tell you in a blunt way, so you can look straight at it and deal with it.

We all were overjoyed when the Berlin Wall fell in 1989.  It turns out that our celebration was premature.   The fight against Communism wasn't over.  It was only halftime.

The American Experiment is over.   I don’t say that lightly and without a great deal of grief and sorrow in my heart.   The tables have been flipped on us.   What has been done to us is what we were able to do to Iran in 1953, Chile in 1973 and Afghanistan in 2002.   We have lost our Republic.

There were lots of clues leading up to this, if you listened carefully.  Probably the most salient clue was the purported last words of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, “My most fervent wish is that I not be replaced until a new president is installed.”  That was an important quote for two reasons.  First, RBG never said it.  This is what the media said she said.  RBG would NEVER have said that.  She was a supreme court justice, and excellent lawyer, and a person who understood the importance of word choice.  We do not install a president and RBG knew that.  This quote was manufactured just as the Russian hoax was, the “many fine people” hoax was, and the “bat soup” story was.  It never happened but the words are telling, because that is what happened.  Biden was installed.

Some have called it a “Color Revolution,” and it certainly looks like one.   I coined my own term for it

A Techno-Bolshevik Revolution with a Reverse Apartheid Twist

Like the 1979 Iranian Revolution, this revolution relied heavily on a coalition of support—Antifa and BLM (which had a significant element of white youth involved) to perpetrate violence all summer.  The violence was staged as an implicit threat to the Supreme Court of what would happen if it ruled with the Trump administration.  And it worked—perfectly.   SCOTUS kicked away the challenges on procedural grounds, even though the last minute voting rule changes by governors, secretaries of state and judiciaries were eminently justiciable as violations of the Constitution which require legislatures to choose electors.  Media fully cooperated by withholding damning evidence on Hunter Biden, calling states early and proclaiming Biden the winner.   Then, it shut out Trump completely and incredibly banned him from social media.

Like our own Revolution, this one also had an outside power giving a big assist--- China.   China’s goals are to displace the U.S. as the global financial and economic power.   It simply could not tolerate another 4 years of Donald Trump, because Trump was on to their game.  As with RBG’s quote, I do not think it is a coincidence that COVID19 appeared on the horizon just as soon as the CCP figured out that the impeachment proceedings were going nowhere.   The conventional view was that it would be crazy to use a bioweapon, because you couldn’t control it and you could suffer large numbers of deaths in your own country.  But with a population that is aging, it is a small price to pay for crippling and dividing the West, especially the U.S.  I believe that it is more likely than not that COVID19 was a bioweapon attack.

This time, Communism wasn't going to make the same mistake it did last time.  Somehow, it got to the Vatican.  Communism underestimated the strength of the Catholic Church in the 80's and the influence of John Paul II.  Either with money or subterfuge, Benedict took early retirement and Communism found a pliable figure in Francis, who mostly spouts of decrees that are indistinguishable from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and rails against Trump but is steadfastly silent when it comes to China's human rights crimes.  He has said nothing about the arrest of Jimmy Lai, the top Catholic voice in China, and dissident nuns and priests in the underground.  Not a word.  The Vatican has been effectively neutered as an opposing force.

In America, the two-party system in America is gone.  With radical Democrats in full control, they will attack the filibuster, pack the court, attempt to do away with the Electoral College, offer statehood to D.C. and Puerto Rico—all things that kept a two party system viable.

The Bill of Rights is gone.  With Big Tech silencing you, your voice will not be heard unless you wish to go back to handing out flyers.  And if you dare express a conservative viewpoint, the mob may cancel you anyway.   Using COVID19 as a pretext, your freedom to worship has been negated as has your freedom of assembly (unless you are protesting on behalf of BLM).   Private property rights have been shattered. You may no longer evict tenants in many jurisdictions and as we saw with the gym operator in New Jersey, the state will take all of your property if you defy it.

The Constitution and the Bill of Rights now are like tattered sheer curtains blowing in the breeze.  AOC and the media are openly talking about de-programming and re-educating Trump supporters.   The PBS lawyer who was caught talking about taking children from their parents and putting them in camps was not engaging in bluster.  They mean it.  Critical Race Theory has been adopted in so many school districts,  in government offices, and in many corporations.  The camps are effectively in operation for the most part.  You just go to them.  Soon, you won't have a choice.

The Left will continue to hound Donald Trump after he leaves office.  Deutsche Bank will begin to foreclose on his properties.  The New York AG will find some trumped up charges to bring against him.  Former General Mattis has said he plans to make him “a man without a country.”  Hillary wants Trump's phone records to see if he contacted Putin on January 6.  This is all third world dictatorship stuff.  None of it is normal.

Dispatching 30,000 troops to the Capitol for inauguration sends a clear message to the American people.  And its not one that a duly elected president would send.

Swallow hard.   You know what has happened. A revolution has occurred. The America that our Founders created for us is gone and we need to come to terms with that.  In subsequent posts I will discuss what this means and what conservatives and libertarians and Constitutionalists can and should be doing- at least until I get deplatformed (and then I will find another route)  For now, let us take time to grieve and mourn and gather ourselves.

For now, educate yourself.  Educate yourself on how Communism and a totalitarian state operates.  Watch the films The Lives of Others, Never Look Away and Mr. Jones.  Read the writings of the dissidents-- Havel, Solzhenitsyn, Vaclav Benda, and those that resisted the Nazis, like Primo Levi and Victor Frankl. 

Prepare yourselves.

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