Sunday, November 4, 2018


As we head into the midterms this week, another phenomena has me puzzled and disturbed—the blatant racism and antiSemitism manifested by the Left.   And this is not just an isolated incident.  It is occurring across all fronts—in academia, the MSM, social media and among politicians.   It is as if the Left has been granted a license to engage openly in this kind of thing.  And all the while accusing Trump and anyone that voted for him racist and bigoted.
I first raised this issue last fall when the New York Times published a repulsive op-ed by Ekow Yankah entitled “Can My Children Be Friends With White People?”  In it, Yankah says he’s going to teach his children not to trust white people.  Breathtaking in its blatant racism, the essay was utterly contrary to all of the messages of the great Martin Luther King.

But fast forward less than a year, and the same New York Times hired Sarah Jeong as an editor, whose social media posts included such as “Oh man it’s kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men” and “#cancelwhitepeople.”

Just a few weeks ago, Georgetown law professor Christine Fair tweeted out that “white GOP senators deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps. Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine. Yes.”

Last week, Don Lemon of CNN claimed that, “the biggest terror threat is white men.”

It’s pretty clear that the Left believes it has a license to demonize and categorize white men in ways that we have never seen before and in ways that would not be permissible to do to other segments of our society.

But it doesn’t end with white men.  Last week, in a flippant attempt at a “joke,” when an interviewer confused Eric Holder and Cory Booker, exclaimed, “they all look alike.”  As Freud asserted, “There are no jokes.”  Such a statement would get any other person banished from the airwaves.

And when Kanye West showed signs of getting too cozy with Trump, CNN commentator Bakari Sellers said, “Kanye West is what happens when negroes don’t read.”

Most insidious and dangerous is the antiSemitism that has crept into our culture under the cloak of the “free Palestine” movement, and has been embraced by the Democratic party.

Just a few months ago, Democratic icon Bill Clinton appeared on the same stage with antiSemite Louis Farrakhan.  Photos have emerged of the grinning jackass Farrakhan with Eric Holder and Barack Obama.  Farrakhan recently referred to Jews as “termites” and has a long history of making vicious antiSemitic statements.  Yet no Democrat has condemned him and while Twitter suspended more benign commenters such as James Woods and former Reagan assistant secretary Paul Craig Roberts, Farrakhan is able to send his sick messages out with impunity.

But the license to engage in racism and antiSemitism is not limited to politicians and media. In a shocking and grotesque product rollout, Ben & Jerry’s introduced a new flavor of ice cream, “Pecan Resistance” and featured none other than Sharia-touting anti-Semite hate monger (and Farrakhan pal) Linda Sarsour.  The Ben & Jerry’s product announcement came just days after the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting that massacred 11 Jews.  Ben & Jerry’s then immediately chose to associate Linda Sarsour with its brand. 

Comments and acts like these would have been met with repercussions a decade ago, but apparently are fine now.  And that’s a very dangerous thing.  

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