Wednesday, August 8, 2018


If you want to grasp how far left the Left has moved, just consider who is coming out of their youth movement as their Next Gen.   Everyone can see that the old guard is getting really old.  Hillary continues to sound like a bitter old lady.   Nancy Pelosi is now routinely incoherent.   Elizabeth Warren is near 70.  Joe Biden makes the most sense of this bunch but he is 75.  In the next group, Kamala Harris and Corey Booker are making a play for leadership.   But it’s with the young starlets, that you can see where things are headed.

A mere half dozen years ago, the anointed young star was Sandra Fluke, who made it to the DNC podium with her plea for State mandated and subsidized birth control.   She drew the scorn of Rush Limbaugh and others on the right for her assertion that the citizenry should underwrite her love life before jetting off to Europe with her boyfriend.   She briefly flirted with a senate run and has since disappeared from the public eye. 

Since Fluke’s flameout, the Left now has put forward a trifecta of young firebrands tauted as the future of the Left in politics and in the media.   Their elevation and the commonality among them tells you a lot about where the Left is headed---much farther left.

The most recent addition to the team is Sarah Jeong, who was announced as a member of the New York Times editorial staff.   Jeong was hired despite (or because of) her vitriolic anti-white, anti-male tweets.  They were so vile that when conservative Candace Owens tweeted them and substituted “black” for “white” she was immediately temporarily suspended from Twitter.  And Jeong’s racist rants were not a one-off.   There were several that occurred over a long period of time.  The New York Times justified her tweets claiming that she was merely responding to people that had trolled her---of course framing Jeong as a victim.   The truth is that the New York Times boldly and unashamedly hired exactly the kind of person with the kind of views that they wanted to hire.  Earlier this year I wrote a strong response to the op-ed of Ekow Yankah in the NYT, who said that he was going to teach his kids not to be friends with white people.   The NYT has made a decision that bigotry and hatred is a one way gate, that if it is directed at whites, particularly white males, it is fine and justifiable.   I eagerly await Jeong’s first op-ed piece claiming that Trump (or some other Republican) is a racist or a bigot.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the next young starlet of the Left.   Ocasio-Cortez, a 28 year old bartender and economics major from BU beat Joe Crowley in the Democratic primary.   Ocasio-Cortez, a self-proclaimed democratic socialist immediately drew the adoration of Tom Perez, who extolled her as the “future of the party” and she recently appeared with Bernie Sanders.   Her extremist positions include abolishing ICE, and providing “free” education and health care, which are clues to whether she actually attended any actual economics classes.  She spouts the standard lines about the “occupation” of Palestine and asserts that “capitalism will not always exist in the world.”     Ocasio-Cortez has yet to articulate precisely how she expects to pay for her grand plans or how they can be distinguished from Venezuela’s “democratic socialism” where people are eating their pets and dumping their children on orphanages.

It didn’t take Ocasio-Cortez long to do a photo-op with her new BFF and sister-in-arms Linda Sarsour (or as the conservative pundits have labeled her, Jihad Barbie).   Sarsour is famous for leading the Women’s March in D.C., teaching American girls how to adorn themselves with that international symbol of female subjugation, the hijab, speaking in the language of jihad, and imploring Muslims not to assimilate (   Sarsour openly peddles Sharia law and anti-Semitism and brands herself as a Muslim feminist (an oxymoron by definition).   Ironically while Iranian women are defying Iranian authorities by tossing their hijabs, Sarsour is peddling them here.

Many commentators have noted the aging of the old guard of the Democratic party, citing the age of their leadership and the average age in Congress (61), and the need for young blood.  But we are now seeing what is coming up from the minor leagues--- virulently and unashamedly anti-capitalist, anti-male, anti-white and anti-Semitic.   If you want a clue as to where the Democratic party is headed, take note of the speaking and writing of  Jeong, Ocasio-Cortez, and Sarsour

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