Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Condoms and Chocolate Milk

Some random thoughts and observations on the absurdities of living under modern liberalism from past week's news:

The nutrition Nazis at various school districts are banning chocolate milk from our schools, citing its high sugar content. The ACLU has been successful in getting condom distribution programs in many school districts. So our kids cannot buy a carton of chocolate milk for lunch at school but they can get condoms.

I’m not sure why Eric Holder thought that bringing KSM to New York for a civilian trial was such a dandy idea. New Yorkers are concerned that it will highlight the city as a terrorist target. It provides KSM with a pulpit from which to spew his hateful view of the world, and will be a terrific recruiting tool for Al Qaeda. Finally, this is a man whose life mission is to destroy the U.S. Why do we offer him the protections of our civilian legal system? Can Mr. Holder explain why this is the best possible option?

Last week, Obama implored us not to “rush to judgment” about Islamic fundamentalism’s role after Nidal Hasan brutally gunned down our soldier’s at Fort Hood. This is the same person that told us that he didn’t know what the facts were but that the Cambridge police acted stupidly when they arrested Henry Louis Gates. Again, Islamic terrorists get deferential treatment while the folks that are there to protect us are presumed guilty.

Months after General McChrystal asked for 40,000 more troops, we still don’t have an answer from our commander-in-chief on his troop request to prosecute the “necessary war.” In my business, not making a decision is making a decision. Is it me, or is there something inverted about an administration that is more decisive about limiting executive pay than winning a war?

Dick Durbin (D-IL) is tripping over himself trying to get the Gitmo detainees housed in Illinois because it will create jobs. That is about as crazy a rationale for exposing us to an increased security risk as I’ve ever heard.

The New York Times today carried the headline, “GM Shows Sign It Is Recovering Despite New Loss: White House is Pleased”. Doesn't the juxtaposition of those statements and the tone of them together sound weird to you? To my ear, it was eerily imperious. Perhaps the Times sees why the White House is pleased; we are ever closer to the Marxist utopia with the government owning the means of production.

Meanwhile, President Obama was caught on film bowing to Emporor Akihito in Japan. He was similarly seen bowing to the Saudi King last April. I’ve adjusted my expectations. At least he has not apologized for Hiroshima—yet.

The flu season is in full swing and we still don’t have enough H1N1 vaccine to go around. Just imagine the scathing editorials at the Times if this had been the case on George Bush’s watch.

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