Seeking to restoring intellectual vitality to conservatism and libertarianism thought through fair minded social commentary on politics, economics, society, science, religion, film, literature and sometimes sports. Unapologetically biased toward free people and free markets.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Between Shades of Gray
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Voting With Your Feet

- Aon Corporation announced that it was moving its corporate headquarters to London. Think about that. A major corporation is going to undertake the expense, trigger a tax liability for its shareholders, and make some people move, to change its headquarters to London? When Great Britain is a tax haven compared to you, you're in real trouble.
- The Chicago Tribune has reported that people are taking all kinds of circuitous routes to avoid the tollway system. The Trib calculated that the increase in tolls will cost an average driver $750 per year. Again, the Dems smack the working man, the guy they claim to help.
- A friend of mind who has been working part time out of his Florida home office changed the proportion of time he spends there to comply with requirements to change his domicile to Florida. "F**k Illinois," he said flatly, "I'm not giving them any more. I work too hard and I have to think about MY retirement, not some union guy." I can only guess that there are thousands of people like him- smart, hardworking, industrious that will simply leave.
- At a roundtable of business executives recently, I posed the question to the group, "Assuming that you wish your children to be happy and prosperous, would you counsel them to stay in Illinois and if not Illinois, where would you suggest that they move to give them the best chance of that happening?" The answer to this two part question was unanimous--- NO! and Texas.
Quinn's response last week was to propose even MORE spending, leaving the Illinois legislature (not the most frugal bunch) scratching their heads. Similarly, in his State of the Union address, President Obama promised to use 1/2 of the money spent in Iraq to pay down the debt.
Democrats never stop their spending addiction. That's why raising taxes doesn't work. Tax $100 and they spend $125. And they forget that people change their behavior in response. They stop investing. They move. They avoid the roads. They buy less. They stop working. Economic activity dries up.
Quinn and Obama. Same guys. Same program for growth.